What Is Digestive Bacteria And Why Do We Need Them For Our Health?

Do you know that your intestine is home to trillions of digestive bacteria? Do you also know that your digestive health, and your overall health to a great extent, depends on these bacteria?

If you do not, you are not alone. Many of us know very little about our digestive system and what makes it work. In this article, we take a look at intestinal bacteria and its role in digestive health.

Digestive Bacteria — An Introduction

The microorganisms present in your intestine are collectively known as gut flora. They play a vital role in your health. They break down proteins and carbohydrates and allow your body to absorb them easily, boost your immune system, and regulate metabolic function. They prevent allergies and inflammatory bowel disorders.

Most importantly, digestive bacteria inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens in your intestine. When they are present in a sufficiently large number, they are able to contain the growth of bad bacteria. When their number declines, they are not able to do so. As a result, you start developing digestive problems, allergies, and a variety of other health problems.

Factors that Cause Intestinal Microbial Imbalance

Taking antibiotics is one of the main causes of microbial imbalance. Antibiotics generally kill good bacteria as well as bad bacteria and change the levels of gut flora. Taking too many antacids, eating a diet rich in sugar, and mental stress can also lead to microbial imbalance in the intestine.

Improving Intestinal Microbial Balance

One of the best ways to improve your intestinal microbial balance is by taking prebiotics regularly. Prebiotics are non-digestible substances that feed the digestive bacteria in your intestine and promote their growth. They also balance bowel pH and improve bowel regularity.

The food sources of prebiotics include raw kiwifruit, raw chicory root, raw dandelion greens, raw garlic, and wheat bran. The highest concentration of prebiotics, however, is found in inedible parts like skin, seeds, and roots. Moreover, a single serving of dandelion roots or kiwifruit may not contain the amount of prebiotics your body needs. So, it is advisable to take prebiotics in the form of dietary supplements.

If you need more information visit our site Core Digestive

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